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Idea: yellow pages of regional centers - center of ideas //including start ups - center of trade //business profiles - religious center //Presence of Religious missionary - center of projects //project description - media center //media and social media profiles Centers have followers. engagement: - start a new center - join a center more engagement needed: - Follow a center - Likes Center - User (Profile) - Role - Description (of your engagement); User profile: logo, about me, link Role = Follower OR Leader. Leader choices: Media personality, Religious Missionary, Business Man, Owner of an Idea, Project Owner. Follower: add description. Social network on LigaKrola complements with social media functionality. Faciliates Top Down Initiatives. Possible Premium feature: Expand User (Profile) and Center information with additional data: - Services - Products (showcase) //free: - Adding Vacancies from KnowmadSoul.